The governing board of EMDR Europe includes committees that are designed to suit the needs of our international organization.
It is through these committees that the board conducts most of its work.
As a tool for effective governance, EMDR Europe’s committees are a useful vehicle to divide the work of the board, provide opportunities for deeper understanding of specific areas or issues, leverage various board members’ expertise, and maximize engagement to address the needs of the organization at a European and national level.
Olivier Piedfort-Marin
Vice President
Eva Muenker Kramer
Vice President
Maeve Crowley
Guida Manuel
Joan Camilleri
Isabel Fernandez
International Representative
Standards Committee
Peter Liebermann
Vice chair
Kerstin Bergh Johannesson
Practice Committee
Eva Muenker Kramer
Vice chair
Gus Murray
The EMDR Europe Practice Committee is responsible for defining the minimum EMDR Europe Standards required for EMDR clinicians seeking accreditation for becoming an EMDR Europe Practitioner and EMDR Europe Consultant.
These minimum standards of practice apply throughout all member nations of EMDR Europe.
Research Committee
Michael Hase
Vice chair
Antonio Onofri
EMDR Europe has a strong commitment to promote research in basic and clinical research in the EMDR field.
The Research Committee facilitates annual grants for research projects about the mechanism of action of EMDR and randomized controlled trials in PTSD and in comorbid psychiatric and somatic conditions.
A further mission of the Research Committee is to support high quality publications and its dissmeniation in national and international Psychology and Psychiatry congresses.
The Research Committee works alongside with other EMDR Europe committees, in particular with the Research Ethics, the Executive and the Standards Committees.
Research Ethics Committee
The Research Ethics Committee works alongside EMDR Europe as a subcommittee of the research committee, to provide ethical scrutiny to research studies.
Child and Adolescent Committee
Carlijn De Roos
The Child and Adolescent Committee provides a forum where all EMDR Europe National Associations can share specialist advice, guidance and expertise on all matters relating to the child and adolescent populace on EMDR therapy, training and research, as well as the development of a common European framework acknowledging individual differences between Countries for this specific populace and how to incorporate these.
Specifically, the Committee’s activities include also:
Developing knowledge and promote research in this area
Developing safe and ethical EMDR practice for children and adolescents across Europe;
Establish ways for parents and professionals seeking this specialist provision to identify appropriate clinicians trained in this field.
EMDR Europe Conference Committee
Bruna Maccarrone
The EMDR Europe Conference Committee is the committee that organises the EMDR Europe Conference and guarantees the required standard levels of quality.
Organisational Development and Constitution
Joan Camilleri
The Organisational Development and Constitution Committee is responsible for the implementation and regulation of constitutional matters, policies and procedures and be accountable to the Executive Committee.
The committee monitors and audits the application of the Constitution and associated policies, especially with regard to new initiatives.
It is responsible for responding to questions emanating from the Executive Committee and EMDR Europe Board with regard to the Constitution, proposed changes to the Constitution and any constitutional implications in the development of new policies.
The OD&C Committee advises on any matters involving constitutional, policy and procedural irregularities within the organisation.
Nomination and Election Committee
Kerstin Bergh Johannesson
EEPICD - EMDR Early Psychological Intervention for Crisis and Disasters Committee
Andreea Apostol
The Committee aims to develop different areas concerned with Early Psychological Interventions:
1. Intervention Setting
Provide support and coordinate the requests of specific needs and trainings when a crisis arise in a country or region that does not have enough resources, with a special focus in the needs of EMDR therapists on the field.
Provide specific material for interventions, with tools and concrete support, according to the nature of the crisis and/or disaster.
Working with daily emergencies, with individuals and families (suicides, communication of bad news, sudden deaths, accidents, etc.)
2. Training
Facilitating and promoting proper training in the EMDR European community to deal with disasters and crisis.
3. Research
Provide direction to EMDR clinicians psychologists in the development and delivery of expertise in crisis, disaster, psychosocial crisis management, individual and community resilience building, with evidence-based post trauma interventions to provide best practices, based on ethical principles and fundamental human rights for individuals and communities
Further investigate the contribution of EMDR therapy to the field of disasters and acute crisis situations.