
Accredited Practitioners are recognised as having demonstrated their competence in the practice of EMDR under supervision of an EMDR Consultant.

Based on research outcomes, the methodology is continuously revised and updated, as well as continuously evaluated in order to guarantee the highest training standards. These guidelines are issued by the EMDR Europe Association. Accredited Practitioners are entitled to have their details listed on the Association’s website.

The public and practitioners are benefited by the consistent application of the standards and the promotion of qualified professionals in the field of therapeutic recreation.

A membership with the EMDR National Associations allows us to continue to update practitioners with the latest news, advancements and research relating to the EMDR therapy via our member newsletters, reaccreditation trainings (practical workshops, seminars and training in EMDR applications)

information sheet

The EMDR Europe Practice Committee is responsible for defining the minimum EMDR Europe standards required for EMDR clinicians seeking accreditation for becoming an EMDR Europe Practitioner and EMDR Europe Consultant.

These minimum standards of practice apply throughout all member nations of EMDR Europe.


  • 1. Why is accreditation important?

    There are several reasons why EMDR Europe considers accreditation to be of extreme importance. In the acquisition and development of skills and knowledge, an EMDR clinician moves from being an EMDR novice to hopefully achieving a high level of EMDR proficiency and expertise. One of the important ways of achieving this is through accreditation. Accreditation has many benefits:

    • Maximises the teaching and learning experience of EMDR training
    • Ensures ethically sound and robust EMDR clinical practice
    • Enhances EMDR treatment fidelity
    • Monitors and maximises client/ patient protection
    • Enhances quality control
    • Greatly assists towards research fidelity

    As a means of achieving this, EMDR Europe Practice Committee has developed two competency based frameworks. The first of these is designed for those working towards becoming an EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner and the second for those seeking EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant status. The main elements of these frameworks are that of the EMDR clinician demonstrating key competencies.

  • 2. What are the important elements of the EMDR Europe Practitioner Competency Framework?

    The central component of the competency based framework for EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioners is that of the EMDR protocol. EMDR clinicians need to demonstrate their competency in each of the eight phases of EMDR. Please note that oompetency can only be assessed and determined by an EMDR Europe Consultant. In addition, the clinician seeking accreditation as an EMDR Europe Practitioner must meet the following requirements:

    • Completed a recognised EMDR Europe training
    • Completed a minimum of 50 EMDR sessions
    • Treated a minimum number of 25 clients
    • Undertaken a minimum of 20 hours consultation/ clinical supervision with an EMDR Europe Consultant which includes witnessing the applicants EMDR clinical work either through DVD or in-vivo
    • Supplied two references, one from the EMDR Europe Consultant and the second from a person who can comment about the applicants professional practice & standing
    • That the applicant is a member of their national EMDR association
  • 3. What are the important elements of the EMDR Europe Consultant Competency Framework?

    EMDR Europe considers that the role of the EMDR Consultant plays a pivotal part in the future development of EMDR no more so than in the accreditation process itself. EMDR Consultants have a key responsibility in maintaining quality assurance and high standards of practice in EMDR. As a consequence, EMDR Consultants need to demonstrate their considerable EMDR clinical experience and expertise. In addition, they must demonstrate their supervision, consultation and teaching skills.

    Furthermore, EMDR Europe Practitioners seeking accreditation as a Consultant must meet the following requirements:

    • Applicants need to have a minimum of three years experience as an EMDR Europe Practitioner
    • Treated a broad range of clients of varying diagnoses and complexity
    • Completed a minimum of 300 EMDR sessions
    • Treated a minimum number of 75 clients
    • Demonstrate competency in the provision of EMDR clinical supervision/ consultation (This will ordinarily be a minimum of 20 hours)
    • Participate in regular clinical supervision of ongoing EMDR clinical work
    • Have a certificate of competency from undertaking an approved EMDR Europe Consultants training on behalf of EMDR National Organisations
    • Have undertaken a minimum of 24 hours EMDR Continuous Professional Development (CPD) since becoming an EMDR Europe Practitioner
    • Submitted a minimum of three DVD’s or in-vivo sessions of an EMDR clinical session, an individual EMDR clinical Supervision session and of a Group EMDR Clinical Supervision
  • 4. Who processes my EMDR Europe Accreditation application?

    Accreditations are processed through your local EMDR National Association, which will have a specific committee responsible for dealing with EMDR Europe Accreditation applications from its members.

  • 5. How do I acquire the necessary documentation I need?

    If you require any further information, please contact:

    Your National EMDR Association or

    Eva Muenker-Kramer – Coordinator EMDR Europe Practice Committee

For the application criteria for accreditation as a Practitioner, please download the EMDR Europe Practitioner Form

EMDR Europe
Practitioner Form


Practitioner's Reaccreditation Criteria


EMDR Europe C&A Practitioner Competency Framework


EMDR Europe
Practitioner Algorithm Version
