Executive Committee
As the Association's body, the Executive Committee of EMDR Europe ensures the day-to-day running of the Association, administering the Association’s fund, making sure that the objectives of EMDR Europe and the decisions of the Board of the Association are met.
In collaboration with Committees, the Executive Committee develops strategies and action plans approved by the Board of the Association.
The Executive Committee, in particular, plays a pivotal role in overseeing the organization’s strategic direction and the tasks of the different Committees, ensuring the alignment with our mission and vision. The Executive Committee works in close collaboration with the different Committees that focus on specific areas.
Executive Committee
Olivier Piedfort-Marin, President
Olivier Piedfort-Marin Ph.D. holds a doctorate in psychology and is licensed psychotherapist OFSP with private practice in Lausanne, Switzerland. He is specialized in the treatment of severe traumatized individuals including people with severe Dissociative disorders. He is the (co-)author of 30 peer-revied articles and chapters, and lectures regularly nationally and international on these topics. Former President of EMDR Switzerland Association, he joined the Executive Committee as Vice-President in 2018 and has also served as Chair of the OD&C Committee.

Eva Muenker-Kramer, Vice-President
Eva Münker-Kramer is a clinical psychologist, CBT therapist, CBT teaching therapist, disaster and crisis psychologist, EMDR Europe accredited trainer since 2007. She has a private practice in Krems/Austria and is specialized on trauma therapy and EMDR where she is author, lecturer and trainer in different areas nationally and internationally. She has co founded and chaired the Austrian EMDR association from 2003-2021 and is EMDR Europe Vice President and Interim Chair of the EMDR Europe Practice committee.

Maeve Crowley, Vice-President
Maeve Crowley is psychologist in the UK, Co Vice-President EMDR Europe. She is a member of
the OD&C Committee and interim Chair of the newly formed Ethics Committee.

Joan Camilleri, Secretary
Joan Camilleri is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and EMDR Europe accredited Consultant. She currently represents EMDR Europe on the Long-Life Learning Platform; co-founded and Chairs the Malta Association of EMDR since 2018. Her 25-year clinical experience ranges from personality, mood, addiction and eating disorders to leadership mentoring. She currently Heads the Counselling Services at the University of Malta and forms an integral part of the Cost action REMO researching the mental health of academics, early researchers and doctoral candidates.

Guida Manuel, Treasurer
Clinical Psychologist, Psychoterapist, EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant, with diverse backgrounds in the area of stress, trauma and crisis intervention. Work at Portuguese Judiciary Police and in private practice.

Sofia Mariani, Executive Assistant
Sofia Mariani is the Executive Assistant of EMDR Europe Association. She supports the EMDR Europe President and the Executive committee in administratives duties and serves as liaison between the internal management, the President,the EMDR Europe chairs of committees, National Associations and Board members.