Why choose EMDR?

EMDR therapy is a highly effective, evidence-based treatment for PTSD and other psychological issues, grounded in the so called Adaptive Information Processing model (AIP Model). It facilitates the resumption of normal information processing and alleviates symptoms through a structured, minimally invasive approach.

Globally recognized (WHO, NICE guidelines, and others) for its efficacy, EMDR is a beneficial choice for individuals seeking comprehensive trauma therapy. Here are 11 reasons why patients should choose EMDR therapy.

1. Evidence-Based and Integrative

EMDR is an evidence-based integrative psychotherapy for trauma related disorders, other psychological disorders and mental health problems.

2. Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model

EMDR is based on the AIP model, which suggests that many psychological issues are caused by the improper storage and processing of traumatic or distressing experiences.

3. Resumption of Normal Processing

EMDR therapy enables the resumption of normal information processing and integration, addressing past experiences and pathogenic memories, current triggers, and future challenges.

4. Alleviation of Symptoms

EMDR results in the alleviation of the presenting symptoms, decreased or eliminated distress from disturbing memories, improved self-view, relief from bodily disturbances and resolution of present disturbing and future anticipated triggers.

5. Standardized Procedures

EMDR uses a standardized set of procedures and clinical protocols, including dual focus of attention and alternating bilateral visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation to resolve the above mentioned traumatic and disturbing adverse life experiences.

6. Activation of Memory Components

This process activates memory components of disturbing life events and facilitates / re-activates normal adaptive information processing and integration.

7. Optimization of Client Stabilization

EMDR optimizes client stabilization before, during and after the reprocessing of distressing and pathogenic memories and associated stimuli.

8. Minimal Therapist Intervention

The therapy facilitates the client's innate ability to heal, with minimal therapist intervention necessary for the continuity of information reprocessing based on a proper and carefully established individual treatment plan.

9. Structured Phases

EMDR therapy consists of eight phases, including history taking, preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation of new adaptive information, body scan, closure, and reevaluation.

10. Effectiveness for Children and Adolescents

Recognized by the World Health Organization and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, EMDR is effective for children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events and PTSD, as well as other psychological difficulties like anxiety and depression.

11. Global Recognition

EMDR is globally recognized for its efficacy and has been endorsed by major health organizations for treating trauma in both adults and children.

12. Biggest Worldwide community of trained clinicians

EMDR trained therapists have gone through a worldwide standardized training. The National and regional/continental EMDR Associations (such as EMDR Europe) members of the EMDR Global Alliance – The International Society for EMDR Therapy – guarantee the quality of accredited clinicians. It is important to check the national and international EMDR accreditation of clinicians, consultants and trainers. In Europe make sure you consult a therapist trained from an EMDR Europe accredited trainer. If you wish to train in EMDR therapy, look for an EMDR Europe accredited training and trainer.