For Professionals
Elevate your practice and empower your clients: Integrate EMDR therapy to revolutionize both your approach to therapy and your clients’ path to recovery.

How to get accredited?
Pathway to the certification as an EMDR Europe accredited Practitioner. In order to be eligible to participate in an EMDR Europe accredited EMDR training course, trainees must hold an up-to-date license or registration to provide psychotherapeutic services in their own country.

EMDR Consultant
In the field of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), the role of an EMDR Europe accredited Consultant is crucial for advancing the practice and maintaining high standards of training and care.

EMDR Trainer
Achieve the highest recognition in EMDR training with our rigorous and fair accreditation process, ensuring you deliver excellence in EMDR therapy across Europe.

The Francine Shapiro Library (FSL) honors Francine Shapiro, the pioneer of the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.