Our Partners

We believe that joining forces and contacting policy and decision makers is the key to improve the lives of people affected by trauma and mental illness.


Mental Health Europe (MHE)

Mental Health Europe represents associations and individuals in the field of mental health including users of mental health services, professionals, service providers and volunteers. Together with its members, MHE formulates recommendations for policy makers to develop mental health friendly policies. MHE works closely with the European Institutions and international bodies to mainstream mental health in all policies and end mental health stigma.

Alliance for childhood

Trauma in childhood is a grave psychosocial, medical, and public policy problem that has serious consequences for victims and for society. To improve the quality of childhood in Europe, EMDR Europe became member of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group. This association builds, strengthens and empowers networks to improve the lives of children.

Lifelong Learning Platform - European Civil Society for Education

LLLP is an umbrella organization that gathers more than 40 European organizations active in the field of education, training and youth, coming from all over Europe and beyond. It cooperates especially with the European Commission and the Council of Europe as an advisor on different topics.

Hostage International

Hostage International is a UK-based non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides assistance to people affected by kidnappings and arbitrary detention - hostages and their families -  worldwide. The organization offers a range of services, including:

  • Expert advice and guidance on all aspects of hostage situations, from the initial crisis to the long-term aftermath.
  • Access to specialist services, such as legal advisors, psychologists, trauma therapists, and medical experts.
  • Financial and administrative assistance to help alleviate the stress of managing practical tasks, financial concerns, or employment issues.