Alliance for childhood

Logo Alliance for Childhood - European Network Group

Trauma in childhood is a grave psychosocial, medical, and public policy problem that has serious consequences for victims and for society. To improve the quality of childhood in Europe, EMDR Europe became member of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group. This association builds, strengthens and empowers networks to improve the lives of children.

EMDR Europe is an active member of the AFC and has presented at several meetings hosted by MEPs in the European Parliament in Brussels. In March 2020, Olivier Piedfort-Marin Ph.D., vice-president at the time, presented on trauma treatment for children, including EMDR of course. In June 2023, Olivier Piedfort-Marin together with Russel Hurn, EMDR Europe consultant from the UK, presented EMDR in the lenses of cost effectiveness of trauma informed approach.

Alliance for Childhood welcomed EMDR Europe’s paper on Covid-19 as an educational emergency and shared this resource with all their members and on social media:

In summer 2020, the European Commission opened a consultation on the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child to better promote and protect children’s rights. EMDR Europe prepared a paper with recommendations that Alliance for Childhood shared on the web site of the European Commission. It is available here:

This paper circulated also in the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

In 2023, AFC published a statement on Children and Youth Mental Health in Europe in the context of the Mental Health agenda of the European Parliament and of the European Commission. Olivier Piedfort-Marin and Russel Hurn participated to the elaboration of that statement. Its is available here:

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