Mental Health Europe (MHE)

Mental Health Europe represents associations and individuals in the field of mental health including users of mental health services, professionals, service providers and volunteers. Together with its members, MHE formulates recommendations for policy makers to develop mental health friendly policies. MHE works closely with the European Institutions and international bodies to mainstream mental health in all policies and end mental health stigma.
EMDR Europe became supporting member of MHE in May 2020, and the cooperation has been very fruitful:
- MHE shared with their community our papers on management of healthcare staff and on eating disorders, publishing them on the August edition of the Mental Health Digest (MHE’s newsletter, that is shared with more than 70 member organisations across 30 countries).
- We are on the Members spotlight of August 2020
- We are part of the COVID-19 mental health support network.
- We have endorsed the Joint Statement of MHE to the European Commission to develop a comprehensive strategy on mental health. on Oct. 10th 2024
For more information, please visit: