EMDR Europe training in Nigeria

EMDR Europe, connecting with the Nigerian organisation Search for Common Ground, organised a training for mental health professionals working with child soldiers in Nigeria.
Thanks to this project, President Isabel Fernandez established a connection with the United Nations Liaison Office for Children and Armed Conflict, Europe, Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict (https://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org).
The EMDR training took place in March 2021 with the participation of 16 psychologists and mental health workers from the following organisations:
- Unicef
- Intersos
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Maiduguri
- Search for Common Ground
- Neem Foundation
- Goal Prime
This way, they have now a tool for trauma treatment in children and adults and will give them relief and promote their mental health.